American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (2023) – Could Scientists Do More About the Climate Emergency? and Communicating Climate Change Science To Drive Political Will

MEER (2023) – The Rapidly Deteriorating Climate Emergency and the MEER Initiative online presentation

Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (2023) – An Intensifying Global Climate Emergency and What Must Be Done online presentation

European Vegan Summit (2023) – Broken Food System: How far from sustainable is the current food system, and what are the consequences that are already happening around us? online panel

United Nations Summit of the Future (2023/24) – Forum for the Future stakeholder participant

European Vegan Summit (2022) – China and Mercosur: Is a green EU policy possible? online panel

European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly (2022) – Planetary Boundaries 2022 online presentation

Planetary Health Annual Meeting (2021) – The unprecedented planetary health emergency of committed global climate change and essential responses online presentation

EGU General Assembly (2021) – Using the IPCC for communicating both the full extent of the global climate emergency and the required response online presentation

AGU Fall Meeting (2020) – Town Hall: The greenhouse gas Earth emergency: The legacy of many — now unavoidable — Earth system and human system impacts online session

AGU Fall Meeting (2020) – Utilizing the IPCC for communicating both the full extent of the climate emergency and the required response online presentation

Madrid Conference of the Parties (COP25) (2019) – Member of Climate Emergency Forum expert panels on global climate change issues

Encyclopedia Chapter (2019) – Environmental Health Risk Assessment for Global Climate Change and Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Pollution, entry in Climate Action volume, Encyclopedia of Sustainable Development Goals (

The Real Truth About Health Conference (2019) – Keynote speaker: The Global Climate Change Emergency: From Personal to Planetary Health; Expert panel (with James Hansen and other experts): Climate Change and Renewable Energy - What are the Very Best Actions to Take to Save Ourselves? New York

Monograph (2019) – Stop and Switch: Suicidal Subsidies and the Climate Solution

International Criminal Court Assembly of States Parties (2018) – The science that shows climate change is the greatest ever crime against all humanity, at the side event; The 2016 ICC Policy Paper: What It Means for Environmentalists Worldwide, with Polly Higgins and the Institute for Environmental Security, The Hague

Handbook Chapter (2018) – Implications for Biodiversity of Potentially Committed Global Climate Change (from Science and Policy), in Handbook of Climate Change and Biodiversity 2018 (

Co-author (2018) – Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival (foreword by James Hansen). Clarity Press (

EGU General Assembly (2017) – From up-to-date climate and ocean evidence with updated UN emissions projections, the time is now for science to recommend an immediate massive effort on CO2, Vienna

AGU Fall Meeting (2016) – Climate golden age or greenhouse gas dark age? San Francisco

International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Science Conference (2016) – The policy relevance of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration trends to 2016, Denver, Colorado

1.5 Degrees: Meeting the Challenges of the Paris Agreement Conference (2016) – An illustrated guide to the 1.5ºC and 2ºC policy target options, Oxford, UK

7th International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses (2015) – Environmental health risk assessment to correct climate change policymaking failure, Vancouver

Climate Emergency Countdown Forum (2014) – Climate emergency countdown, Toronto

2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting (2014) – Is committed ocean warming and acidification a planetary emergency? Honolulu

Tyndall Centre's Radical Emissions Reduction Conference (2013) – Radical climate change science for rapid radical emissions reductions, London, UK

AGU Fall Meeting (2013) – Is the world in a state of committed global climate change planetary emergency? San Francisco

IMPACTS WORLD 2013: International Conference on Climate Change Effects (2013) – White paper: Committed unavoidable global warming and Northern Hemisphere food security implications to 2100, Potsdam, Germany

First Africa Food Security and Adaptation Conference: Harnessing Ecosystem-based Approaches for Food Security and Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa (2013) – Committed global climate change and African food security, Nairobi, Kenya (presented by a CEI associate)

Carter, Peter. 2013. "Unavoidable Global Warming Commitment and Its Food Security Implications." The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses 4(1): 83-100. (​

Arctic Observing Summit (2013) – White paper: The compelling case in climate change science for an emergency upgrading of Arctic monitoring capacities, Vancouver

EGU General Assembly (2013) – Is the world in a state of climate change planetary emergency? Vienna

International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Food and Environmental Security (2012) – Unavoidable global warming commitment and its food security, impacts and risks, implications focused on Southeast Asia, Philippines

Fourth International Conference on Climate Change (2012) – Committed global climate change and food security: Linking the unavoidable lags between rapid emissions reduction for climate stabilization on crop yields using climate crop model projections, Seattle

8th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management Edmonton (2012) – Linking fossil fuel resource development with the environmental health risks of global climate change, particularly to the global south, for planning mitigation responses, Edmonton

 The Health and Human Rights Approach to Greenhouse Gas Pollution
​This CEI site, as a web-based project, was started as a response to the 2008 public statement by James Hansen that the world really had entered a state of climate 'planetary emergency,' which he repeated in 2012

 is a retired medically ​​trained doctor with a background in environmental health protection policy. He is published on global climate change science, climate change impacts, Arctic climate change, risk assessment, ​​and biodiversity. 

Peter has presented at many ​​leading science and climate change conferences, including at both the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference and the European Geosciences Union (EGU) conference. 

CEI has been a major stakeholder in United Nations consultations (for FAO, UNEP, Summit of the Future)​. ​​

Peter has also served as an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) expert reviewer ​on the 2014 5th Assessment Synthesis Reports (this level required a vetting process of his publications) and the 2018 1.5ºC Special Report​.

As a founding director of Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment​, Peter represented CAPE on federal and provincial expert panels making submissions on environmental health protection policy (1994-1998).

Since 2019, Peter has been an online expert panelist for the Climate Emergency Forum.

Climate Emergency Institute
​International Science and Climate Change
​Conference Presentations

Climate Emergency Institute
Dr. Peter Carter
The Climate Emergency Institute started with Dr. Peter Carter of British Columbia, Canada in 2009.

The motivation is our children's future and all future generations ​​(IPCC AR6).
Children's Climate Emergency ​site

​​CEI applies health and human rights to global climate change.